Y'all are welcome to join the smoky, charry action at this Texas-inspired brisket joint
Brisket Boys
Lenny Ann Low - Sydney Morning Herald
If you’re not a fan of meat, look away now. For Brisket Boys, an outdoor Texas-inspired barbecued meat empire in Penrith, is a no holds-barred flesh-is-king paean to slow-cooked beef, pork, chicken and spicy sausage.
Great juicy wads of it, cooked over ironbark wood for 12 hours, fostering as much hair on your chest as the resident pit-master can load flesh on your plate.
Opened last year, after several months as a carpark food truck, Brisket Boys offers various ways, most particularly with melty, smoky beef brisket. Served as a sandwich or in three plate sizes, it is reason enough to visit. Served sliced, it is blushingly pink, lolling in hot juice and edged with a marvellous crispily blackened bark of slow-seared seasoning.
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